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New Expungement Law – New Future?

Kentucky has a new expungement law.  The bill was passed on March 29, 2016 and signed by Governor Bevin on April 1st, 2016.  This new law expands the ability for more people in Kentucky to clear their records.  It affects both misdemeanor and felony charges.

For years, the rules for expungement made if very difficult for some individuals to erase their criminal past in Kentucky.  The new law now makes it possible for those who have:

  • Misdemeanor and Multiple Misdemeanor Charges and/or Convictions
  • Some Felony Charges and Over 60% of Class D Felony Charges and/or Convictions
  • Charges on Your Record for Which You Were Never Convicted, But Still Remain

Your criminal record can have serious implications.  It may stop you from getting a good job or from being promoted.  Past charges may prevent you for qualifying for financial aid, housing benefits or other forms of support.

A criminal record, even if you weren’t convicted, can feel like a life-long jail term.        It doesn’t have to be that way.

As an attorney, I handle expungements to help people get a fresh start.  The process requires a number of specific steps, but in many cases, it can now be done efficiently and effectively.  But you can’t do it on your own.

One of the most rewarding things I do as a Louisville defense attorney is to help people get on with their lives.  It might mean getting charges dismissed before they go to trial.  Sometimes it’s successfully defending them in a trial.  At times, it could mean getting a significantly reduced sentence because I was able to present the evidence effectively, which made the prosecutors rethink their case against you.

Expungement is the Next Step

Once the case is resolved, the next step is to determine which of your charges can be expunged so that your record can be cleared.  Not all charges can be erased, but because of the new expungement law, many more are now eligible.

Don’t assume that you’re stuck.  You may have options available that simply didn’t exist a few months ago.  As the law evolves, so do your rights.  I’ve made a career defending the rights and liberty of people in Louisville and throughout the state.

If you’ve been charged with criminal activity, you need a good criminal defense lawyer to represent you.  If you’re trying to move on with life, you need a smart expungement lawyer to petition the court to erase criminal charges.  Nobody wins if you’re unable to work and provide for you and your family.

Don’t let mistakes in your past prevent you from enjoying the same rights many of us enjoy.  If you were charged with a crime, the court has already determined your guilt or innocence.  Even if you’ve spent time in jail, you’ve made restitution.  You’ve already paid your time.  Today, it’s time to figure out if the recent changes in Kentucky’s expungement laws can help you to seek a brighter future.  It’s the right thing to do.




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