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Louisville Criminal Defense Attorney

If you or your family member has been arrested and charged with a crime in Louisville or the various counties in Kentucky, you need and experienced Louisville criminal defense attorney to defend you in court.

I’ve successfully handled the following types of cases and many others:

  • DUI (drunk driving) charges for adults and under-age drivers
  • Traffic violations by commercial drivers and individuals
  • Drug charges such as manufacturing, possession and trafficking
  • Sex crime charges including rape, sodomy, pornography and related allegations
  • Expungements to clear your criminal record (even if the charges were dropped)

Criminal charges can have a devastating effect on your reputation and your family. Even false allegations can impact your job or future employment opportunities. DUIs and traffic violations can affect your insurance rates for years. Drug charges can result in prison time. There’s a lot at stake. That’s why hiring an effective, experienced criminal defense lawyer is extremely important.

Your freedom, constitutional rights and liberty are more than simply words – especially when someone is trying to take them away from you.

Depending upon the facts of your case, and more importantly, what they can actually prove in court, I may be able get the prosecutor to agree to various options to protect you and your reputation.   Some of these options may include:

  • Diversion program through Jefferson County’s Drug Court
  • Home incarceration
  • Work-release arrangements
  • Pleas to lesser charges
  • Probation
  • Complete dismissal of the charges made against you

Just because you were arrested, doesn’t mean there’s a solid case against you. I work hard to determine if the proper rules and procedures leading up to your arrest were followed. I investigate the chain of evidence to verify their so-called proof is legitimate. I attack the credibility of the prosecution’s informants, and many other important facts. My goal is to force the Commonwealth to actually prove its case against you. If they can’t, we walk out with your reputation and liberty intact.

Remember, the law is there to protect you and your rights. I hold the police and the prosecutors accountable.

Call Louisville criminal defense attorney, Stephen Berry to handle your case. My office phone number is: (502) 589-6190, or call my cell phone – (502) 645-1055. You, your reputation and your freedom deserve defending.